Find all your favourite christian card games here at Pensive Play. We have made it our mission to create christian culture card games.

We create fun,competitive and creative ways for our players to learn from each other. Our players will have to “think deep and think fun” to get the most out of their plays.

Our vision is to create a collection of dynamic card games that will leave you feeling pensive or entertained, or maybe even both at the same time!

Scroll down to discover our very first game !

Think Deep and Think Fun

Grab your friends and family now!

If you want to create a fun and vibrant environment or you’re looking for an exciting and entertaining icebreaker, this is the game for you!

Buy Now, Let's Play

Get Guessing!

Your next bible character quiz game is here ! When you think of "Who's Knocking?" think of the perfect blend of Articulate, Taboo and the Bible.